Making it all work
We have built backend for iOS apps, full social networking sites, complex business critical applications and countless marketing focus websites.
We have been the founding team for a number of startups that have gone on to raise serious funding. We have then helped those companies scale and hire their own team.
Most of all we just enjoy building things. Interesting ideas we can get our teeth stuck into and equally quick fun projects that are live before you know it.
For frontend we build using modern HTML, CSS, Javascript and SVG. We use React for client-side applications, and a simple, standards-focused frontend setup for Ruby on Rails and Craft CMS sites. For those of a tech nature we use Webpack, Babel and PostCSS.
For backend we usually build using Ruby on Rails with PostgreSQL, Elasticsearch and Redis as our core tools, but we're comfortable using Crystal if what we're building requires more intensive processing or is going to receive more traffic.
In the past, we've built with PHP, MySQL, a number of NoSQL databases, Solr, Lucene, Memcached as well as countless APIs and services for external data. We enjoy adapting to the best tool for the job, whatever that might be.
We generally use open source software. For hosting we prefer using Amazon Web Services (AWS) with Linux as operating system.