
For most of our e-commerce projects we use Shopify. It’s easy to configure to any company’s needs no matter how complex their fulfilment or invoicing processes.

If you need something more involved then we use Solidus. It is a flexible, open-source platform built on top of the Ruby on Rails framework.


We can guide you from idea all the way through to transacting site.
Just as we have done for these businesses:

Sound good?

Get in touch with us to talk about planning an e-commerce project.

Or get planning straight away:

Your details

Project description

Do you currently have an e-commerce site?

Ideal start date

Ideal launch date

Likely budget


We are Buffalo

Sadly you are using Internet Explorer 6. This browser is over 10 years old so we can't show you the lovely site that you would get with a modern browser like Chrome, Safari or Firefox. Upgrade and embrace the future of the internet!

Until you upgrade you will have to take our word for it when we say that over the last few years we've made a reputation for building websites that look great and are easy-to-use.

Founded in 2006, Buffalo is a small web design & development agency based in Brighton, UK. If you the sound of us, and think we could work together then get in touch with us by email on [email protected].