Not just painting the canvas
Design can be a tough one to get right. We might hit the jackpot first time or we may require some iteration to get things the way you want.
The difference between a run-of-the-mill website and a meaningful one is in the details. That means obsessing about every pixel.
We have a few principles to guide us that we should get off our chest straight away:
We don't do designs for a pitch unless paid. We don't think it is a fair way to compare/rate an agency but are happy to treat as a paid project to get a feel for our approach.
We don't provide multiple concepts from the outset as we believe it dilutes ideas - we prefer to focus on what we feel is the right approach and iterate from there. On the odd occasion we do need to start afresh and that is fine.
We use the wireframes as our basis for visual design so making sure they are right is important to our process.
Obviously we make sure everything we design scales down well to smaller screens like a tablet or phone.
Overall we are looking for everything to come together to create something engaging, flowing and beautiful. If we have done that at the end of a project then we can all sleep easy.